
I'm Willis Stout, an Artist and Engineer living in Mankato, MN


co·nun·drum : music | dj | art | vibes

QuickLinks - Website | Spotify | YouTube

Triple Falls

Art, News & Entertainment
Production Co. based in Mankato, MN

Website | Facebook | Youtube


1994 - I was born in Minnesota and grew up in Plymouth.

2018 - I graduated from Minnesota State University, Mankato with a degree in Manufacturing Engineering.

Now I live in Mankato

I work as a freelance creative artist, a dj, videographer, and own a small production company with my collaborator Jacob Bases.

I am a co-host of the TF Cast.

Spring, 2021 - I took on a significant role with Connect the Grey as a systems engineer.

I'm excited to continue developing a career at the intersection of engineering and the arts.

I enjoy empowering people through technology.


If you made it this far.. Say hi!

I'd love to get in touch, whether you're looking to get help with a project, collaborate on something or just say hi.

Feel free to send me an email, or hit me on Instagram.

willis.stout (at) gmail.com