What I’m doing now

(This is a now page, and if you have your own site, you should make one, too.)

My main projects right now..

  • Learn to Kickflip

  • Create Better Systems... its working

  • Creative Solutions

ps. HMU if you want to hit the skatepark.

2023 | I'm considering a new opportunity with an Agency.

Spring | I took on a significant role with Connect the Grey as a systems engineer.

2021 | I kicked off 2021 by buying a house in Mankato, Minnesota with my partner Jaci. Currently battling squirrels and trying to start a small garden..

I'm looking to upgrade the work from home experience a bit.
It's a hybrid studio/creative/lounge but I'm working to make it a fun and useful space for how I exist in the world.

I have started selling Custom Logo Glitch Animations!

Learn more.. on Fiverr